Monday, August 24, 2015

Mamypoko Extra Dry Diaper and wipes Reivew

Like the previous post that I mentioned,
This time i was being smart, I actually request for a sample to try on before I actually purchased the entire bag
jeng jeng jeng
this came through a pos...FOC items that I requested from the net


(Sample of a newborn size, Baby Sam was only  3.5 Kg when she was 2 months old. So it still fits her well. And the newborn size and size S urine indicator while Size M onwards no more)

 And without any explanations, I think u can see Baby Sam was a happy baby for this brand! The absorbency is so good that Sam doesn't knew she pooed! She was rash-free even after 6 hours of wearing! No need to sapu sudocream pun boleh! YIppe for her!

But there is one thing I do not like about this brand. It is the bulkiness between the legs. Sam's beautiful clothings will not fit her butt when I worn this diaper for her. (can fit la, just bit tight around her butt area)

Other than that, I m very ok with this brand. As for price wise, it is a big jump compared to Drypers.

(a bit pricy but during promotion at AEON, we can get RM83 for two. Don't forget the GST)
But have no fear, if it is the rashes we are concerened of. I think this price is ok as it can last for 12 hours without changing. However, do not try your luck for 12 hours without changing la. My god, so gross leh....12 hours no change...very geli u know. try wearing a sanitary pad for 12 hours and come n tell me how you feel. So pls change as frequent u can, maybe a 4-5 hours gap ?

As for the Mamypoko wipes, I actually saw it having promotion when I was doing my shopping. RM9 for 2 packs of 100 pcs...

Quite a good deal actually...cuz usually we get like RM9.90 for 80 pcs of two and bla...

So I tried one pack with frangrance one (picture is with Baby Sam and diaper)

 Very nice smell and the sheets were big enough to wipe all the dirts (poo) away. Baby Sam's butt stinks big time when she pooed but with this frangrance wipes, her butt was refreshed immediately.

Imagine you are in a diaper room changing a messy diaper and your baby's poo is smelly, damn paisei u know! But with a few wipes of Mamypoko wipes, the entire room freshens up everything! Bye bye poo smell!

I know most of the parents will say no good using wipes la must use clear water and cotton to wipe, use water to wash and etc~ else will developed rashes and bla bla

Aiyo my goodness, what era we are...2015 d man.....where to find water when u are travelling in the car? why make yourself so difficult to fetch a pail of water during midnight change? why buy cotton clean your baby's butt like you are treating a wound?!

So pls stop and go back to your stoneage era and let me be MUM ON THE GO..

People who invented wipes must had thought all of it liao de....the only thing you need to be precautious is which brand and which ingredients trigger the rashes only lo! Correct boh?

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