Monday, August 24, 2015

Drypers Diaper Review

As you can see this brand of diaper leaked.
Totally CANNOT "jiak sai" (eat shit in hokkien)  at all

(Can you see the shit overflowed?My baby was only 2 months old that time, how much a 2 months old can shit lo?! Photo taken by hubby when I was away and he was "on duty")
From lots of good reviews for this particular brand, I went and bought like a carton of these from a sales.. RM28 from a place called "Tong Hup" , a renowned cash and carry place in Melaka. (Normal price goes from RM30.90-35.90)

(this was in my office, and I got like 2 bags of S size at home)

I was a little angry and sad as I thought it was a famous brand that everyone seems to be promoting it to me due to its comfortness and what rash-free diapers they are.

Apparently, it is a no go on Baby Sam.

Baby Sam always get her diapers change every 3 hourly and still she gets rashes.

Baby Sam's butt was covered with redness and I thought it was supposed to be like this after a long day of not seeing her till evening, my mum went like "AIYO! Weeping, why is her butt so red one! Your mother in law tortured her is it!!!!!" Then only I realised (I'm also known as busy blur woman)

Wonder what happened to the stocks I stocked up? I sold them away and get another set of diapers in. This time, im being very smart.

So watch up the next post. Another diapers review again

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