Monday, August 24, 2015

5D Ultrasounds

So sorry for not posting any updates after my delivery of 5 months (yes, my baby Sam is 5 MONTHS now).

I was caught up with work even during my delivery date 3/5/15, I was still answering phone calls from parents about how are their children in school when the nurses came in to tell it is time to wheel in.  Being the principal of a kindergarden is not easy even it may sounds. It may looks like a feminine job but trust me, it is very busy until u want to deliver baby also no time!

Ok, back to my post. 5D scans.

Dr Wan's clinic was having a demo of 5D when it was my turn to do my rountines with her. With a fees of RM60 (more pricy than the 3D), my hubby and I agreed to have a glimpse of my baby two months ahead (I was like 7 months ahead)

(To those who wishes to have her contacts, above is her card)

The result was great! With Dr Wan's photography skill and baby's cooperation, we managed to get a look on her. Below was the result of 5D scan! 

(5D Scan Photo)

Isn't it amazing?!!! I mean like we get to see our baby first and then say hi to her! To my dismay, everyone say my baby looks like my hubby more which makes me 2 months of sadness cuz I really wanted her to look like me lo~!

Below is a photo of 3D scan, which looks like a play dough lo~ big difference of 5D n 3D scan right? This scan is the normal ones that we get from all around clinics, and it cant really see much of the baby's face as everything is so blur. Unlike 5D we can actually view everything, (including the private part)

(3D Scan Photo)

Recently when I went for my Par Smear, I found out that Dr Wan has bought the 5D machine as she really loves the effect and the exciting faces of the parents! So do check out with her for 5D as I heard in Melaka, only she has this machine!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Sick at week 22

Been down with flu and cough for awhile...

Met Dr Wan for monthly check-up and was given the prescription below (as pic)

I was worried sick that my baby will get the flu from me but the dr re-assured me that this will not affect my bump.

Oh ya, did I mentioned that my dr has 5D scans? she has the like the most advanced US machine in town..

Back to the topic, I was coughing badly and nothing seems to work. I tried the natural remedies like manuka honey with hot water, then ginger slice with again hot water... oilments and bla...ntg comes to the picture till the "official prescription" from Dr wan's clinic.

So preggie ladies out there, learn your lessons....if you're down with a cold, please seek a dr's advice than trying out the natural remedies. Cuz its really Xingu (suffering) and I was coughing my ribs out. Ya, I had a bad ache on the ribs due to bad cough and almost a reflux cuz I couldn't keep the food down after coughing~

Friday, November 28, 2014

The Discovery of My Little Bump~!

Ok, how I discovered I was pregnant...

Firstly, it was the sign of unusual menstruation (more to like spotting than my  usual heavy flow) and then the delay and bla...

Follow by the cramp but nothing on the panties but white discharge.

Went to the clinic, (to-be-exact, Klinik Metro at OngKimWee Melaka) and was almost sent off by the doctor saying that I got an urinary tract problem. But I just got it during 2013's Bali trip and I somehow feels like the sensation was not that.

Told the doctor to check on me again but he was reluctant cuz there's two angmoh houseman ship doctors sitting in front of him to chat about Malaysia and bla. So what he did was he sent me off to the nurses for a urine test to check whether I'm preggie a not while chatting away with those two lengluis...

Like it or not, his eyebrows were raised  when the nurses showed him the result and embarrassingly he quickly congratulate me and brushed me aside so that the two angmoh doctors will not discovered his wrong diagnosis.


I was almost given antibiotic when I was 5 weeks along. (he did an ultrasound thingy to indicate how old was my little egg). Lucky for almight -weEp- which is me, insisted to be recheck for reassurance!

All hail to mighty -weEp-!!!

As I'm typing along, I'm in my 25th week. Just had my 5D scan with Dr Wan Yoke Har from MMC,Melaka on Wednesday.

Baby is doing fine and I think it is time to start writing a blog to tell everyone about my little bump's adventure.

So stay tuned for more stories and reviews which I had saved up for like 20 weeks load?
