Thursday, August 4, 2016

Happy Baby Super Food Puffs + Apple Monkey Organic Cracker + Little Jellies Corn Cakes Review

Hi, I'm back with reviews again...

With Sam of 17 months, I've started introducing snacks to her to let her occupied with it which allows me some moments to do some household work...

Of course, as we all know...snacks often create lots of trouble if we tend to give it a lot with less water intake. e.g of troubles: phlegm, throat irritations...HARD stools! oh yes, there's once I gave sam crackers and she ended up pretty badly....Little Monster wouldn't not drink her water after all these...

And so...I discovered this... Happy Baby Puffs made in USA at Aeon's rack...

One greatest inventions of all times, Sam adores it...tummy was okay with it..even without water, she wouldn't have any hard stools because it claims that it was sweetened by 100% fruit juice and its ORGANIC! Right...the word organic makes me excited and feels healthy~~~! 

It is not filling as it melts in the mouth even though it is crunchy! So sam still can have a bowl of rice after a cup of this.

Less Mess made and easy to handle. Sam will just picked it up by herself while watchcing her favourite Peppa Pig show...which allows me to do my household chores in peace!

The  Only downfall of this product is its container is not air-tight. So do remember to shift all the puffs to another container to keep it.

I recently discovered with coupons of 11 streets, I can get it at a cheaper rate! hooray!!! Usually, I will have to pay RM 21.99 for a bottle of it. At 11street, it is about 16.90 after coupon discounts! Yippee!! Thank you 11street cuz Sam can easily wacked a bottle without stopping!With such great discounts, my wallet is saved!

Next Stop, this Apple Monkey Organic Crackers. It is one of my favourite in giving sam. Same as Happy Baby, it melts in the mouth. But with this crackers, it comes in individual packs. Meaning, I do not need to store it in a container to bring it out. I usually bring this if I go for travelling.

Did I mentioned that this is made in Thailand? I first saw this at Aeon which is selling at RM16.99. To my amaze when I went to Big C at Bangkok, this was only 76bath. Almost Twice of the price cheaper! So, mummies out remember to grab a bunch if u r in Bangkok! Comes in more flavours than the ones we saw at Aeon.

Got this at 11street when I bought it the Baby Puffs of 6 bottles.
Abit disappointed with the seller because this free gift was about to expired next month. I was hesitating whether to give Sam a bite or not by putting it on the table and the next thing I know. My maid has put it in her Tupperware and I brought it out during breakfast.

Picture of Sam eating the corn cakes.

No, she didn't had any diarrhoea. (Thank god~!) and she just chewed on it anyway.. Sam doesn't have any problem eating this and can go on and on with it even after breakfast was served. (I usually gives her puffs to eat before food silent her up)

These Corn Cakes can be found at Aeon as well at the price of RM11.90 ( sales) or RM 13.90 each bag.

Before I end my post, mummies out there...pls do remember, these snacks are not meals...meaning u still need to prepare stable food for your young ones. I only gave sam these snacks to fill up the gaps so that I can do my chores in a more easy way........

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