Friday, September 4, 2015

Quinny Zapp 2 Review

As u can see, I bought a Quinny Zapp 2. Rocky Black, If i'm not mistaken. Along with the carrier; Maxi Cosi.
Both are actually from the same company, its just that Maxi Cosi is more to carriers and seats..
Price is almost 2k plus cuz they called it the Travel System.. But I think now has a lot of version of Zapp 2. lots of awesome colours..
A little bit regret of buying a black one cuz all the mosquitos kinda "Hides" inside. And when I thought of buying the red one; quinny signature colour, my mum went like :aiyo, easy to dirty" then I saw the purple and Aqua colour + the wheel colour (Macam skateboards' wheel)....fuck ..regret to the max!

(Took this shot at the Mall cuz I like the flooring *sparkle*)

(Sam in Maxi Cosi Carrier)

Initially, I thought of having a Quinny Buzz

(Quinny Buzz Zapp 3)

It looks high enough so that we do not need a high chair when we dine out... till we fold it in....

70% of our car boots space will be taken~ (We are having a Peugeot 3008, which we can adjust our car boot level one)

Then Hubby gave me the No-way-we-gonna-have-this-look,  immediately we take zapp2 without further ado..

and also the price kills us almost can buy a motor d...almost hit 3k with the travel system..

Wanna see how Zapp2 folds? go google it then u will know..u will fall In love with it!

Cuz Zapp 2 wheel is good to push. and compact enough to put in our car, you can even check in ur stroller when you fly but must put in a bag.. just like baby zen yoyo..wait...maybe yoyo is smaller n square.

Even grandpa loves Quinny a lot! My dad recovered from stroke, so his momentum is bit out and his stamina is bad... So whenever he goes shopping with us, we will let him in charge of the stroller as in pushing it around to walk with. Old man doesn't like to use this saves his face right lot..

My dad pushes a lot of strollers (my brother's) he has experiences of pushing a Halford, Maclaren, SweetCherry and nonsense China brand, out of all these brands he still prefers Quinny. The smoothness and the braking system is good.

So new parents out there...get this if u have the regrets...

This stroller has style, smooth and compact....

One Canto Word to describe,


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