Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Enfalac A+ Review and Enfalac A+ Gentlease Review

 Being a low supply mum, I have to mix feed my baby.

My supply simply couldn't not keep up with my baby's demand and I'm constantly away taking care of other people's children than mine. (A principal of a kindergarden)

During the stay at MMC, the nursery gave Baby Sam Anmum essential. And when my bm kicks in after 3 days, she refuses to drink through bottle when I fed her my BM. (So does latching, she was a little nipple confusion but I fixed it up in few times.)

The refusal almost ended my bf journey as I thought since she is not interested why waste my time for it. Till, I finally tasted that FM. It was sweet and my BM is abit tasteless than that.

Then I start googling while forcing her to take my BM. Sadly to say, there are NO information about infant FM due to government's law & regulations. This is because they are promoting on BM. I find this a bit hurtful that time as I was really struggling with demands and my BM was hardly oozing out.

So, I went to the TCM near Taman Merdeka. They introduced me Enfalac A+ Gentlease as Baby Sam was vomiting her milk out throughout the time.

It was a bit more pricy than the normal Enfalac A+ as it is an edition for special cases. I got it like RM106 for 900g while the normal ones (yellow colour box) is only  RM98 for 900g (those were the days before GST..i doubt u can get it at this price now)
I continue this particular edition till Baby Sam has no more vomiting problem, it was like for 3 months.
Then I slowly tuned to Enfalac A+

As u can see, I bought the whole carton.

I  was offered the price of RM130 per box of 1.3kg. (market is like 154.90) and so I took a whole carton of it as Baby Sam was ok with it.

Ok means she passes her motion well, her little stomach is adapting well lo. She did not constipates and she didn't vomit like when she was a newborn.

Why I bought a carton of it despite im still bf her? cuz her appetite is unusually huge..

at the month of 3, she actually drank like 3 oz of milk every 2 hours. Oh god! and I was away from her and she drinks per pump! meaning I got no stocks for the next feed if I didn't pumped! and sometimes it is not enough so we need to top up!

We open per pack every 7 days! WALAOWEH! So how not to buy a carton leh?!

Anyway, back to Enfalac A+. According to the TCM I went, they said this is the most similar milk to BM and they have more "goodies" in  their milk. Babies who drinks this brand seldom get sick if they are "OK" with it. Which is why the price is more higher compared to other brands.

Enfalac will not have any promo ongoing as it is an infant milk  as gov promo human nen nen but for Enfagrow. their roadshow is so damn keng one. remember the brain expo they had during May15?

I went n compared the nutrition they had with others. It seems Enfalac has more DHA compares with others. Meaning, another intelligent baby incoming.

I can see the differences between my baby and my sister in law's which consumes Similac. Both have different progress. (I know cannot compare one cuz it depends on individuality) My sister in law's starts to get sick even as young as 2 months old but Baby Sam till now (almost 6 months) hardly get mum said maybe she is partially breastfed. But still, the differences is there.

I don't know whether is Enfalac or what but I really like the fact that Enfalac has more convicing label than others lo. Judging by Enfagrow.

What do you think?

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