Monday, September 14, 2015

Starting Solids for 6 months old Sam

Sam turns 6 months old this month. So being a mum-freak, I began to google all the puree's recipe to introduce solids.
To start, I went and buy Freezer Cubes to store the puree as they said we will need bpa free containers to store it &dispose it after 6 months.
The brand I bought was Treenie which costs me RM21.80 at Yong Fong.

I bought two sets and have yet to blend anything yet as by the time I got back, I was dead tired and Sam was asleep. (If I start the mixer now, she will be wide awake)

Friday, September 11, 2015

Drypers Wipes Review + Drypers Talcum Powder Review + Pureen Wipes Review

As you can see, I put up an image of an inside of a Drypers Wee Wee Dry package.
It is said that with these codes, we can redeem points at
And being a stockist of everything even though the product is not suitable to me, I redeem every packets of Drypers I had. (I got like, 6 packets of it or more)

After collecting so much points, I saw an ad of Drypers that can change Baby Wipes & Talcum Powder...delighted and everything, I quickly redeem it as I feel that this is worth it.. (They offers toys n etc...but I got too many of those from gifts..)

The goods arrived. (Which I redeemed two sets of it but took only a set of pic) like AFTER A MONTH!
Review for the Drypers Talcum Powder, smells great but not using it as my paed said talcum powder are not encourageable as it causes allergy and baby may inhale it.
I realised many typical grandmothers love to use powder to put it at baby's neck area and their genital areas. (well my MIL actually powder my girl till it looks like KFC fried chicken ready to be fry)
It is a wrong concept as the powder may even cause redness to go viral. the actual way to prevent the redness is to use a diaper cream. for my case I uses Sudocream which I got a sample from MMC.
So this talcum powder was given away and never to be seen
As for the Review of Drypers Baby Wipes? BAD. it smells good, feel good but not good for a baby butt.( while at least to Sam) I was using Pureen Fragrance free Baby Wipes with Mamypoko or Merries Diapers.  There were no rashes at all. TILL I change the wipes. Sam's ass turn glowing red.
(Pureen Frangrance Free Baby Wipes Jumbo pack. free a refill pack and 30s at the price of RM19.90 offer price at Madam Kings)

Then only I realised wipes too play a factor of a red bum.

So far the wipes I had used are Pureen Fragrance Free Baby Wipes (Red, Blue, Orange, Green in the size of jumbo, 100s, 30s and 80s) which I find that all no different as it is frangrance free and Pigeon Wipes & Mamypoko Baby Wipes.

Don't look down upon Mamypoko wipes, like my previous post about that brand. it has larger sheets and smell great. and the most important thing is it doesn't cause redness.

Pigeon Wipes was great too but cuz of the price. I did not continue to use it as Sam poos a lot...

Conclusion, The Drypers wipes will be used as my hand wipes after I clean Sam's butt with either Pureen's or Mamypoko's.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Quinny Zapp 2 Review

As u can see, I bought a Quinny Zapp 2. Rocky Black, If i'm not mistaken. Along with the carrier; Maxi Cosi.
Both are actually from the same company, its just that Maxi Cosi is more to carriers and seats..
Price is almost 2k plus cuz they called it the Travel System.. But I think now has a lot of version of Zapp 2. lots of awesome colours..
A little bit regret of buying a black one cuz all the mosquitos kinda "Hides" inside. And when I thought of buying the red one; quinny signature colour, my mum went like :aiyo, easy to dirty" then I saw the purple and Aqua colour + the wheel colour (Macam skateboards' wheel)....fuck ..regret to the max!

(Took this shot at the Mall cuz I like the flooring *sparkle*)

(Sam in Maxi Cosi Carrier)

Initially, I thought of having a Quinny Buzz

(Quinny Buzz Zapp 3)

It looks high enough so that we do not need a high chair when we dine out... till we fold it in....

70% of our car boots space will be taken~ (We are having a Peugeot 3008, which we can adjust our car boot level one)

Then Hubby gave me the No-way-we-gonna-have-this-look,  immediately we take zapp2 without further ado..

and also the price kills us almost can buy a motor d...almost hit 3k with the travel system..

Wanna see how Zapp2 folds? go google it then u will know..u will fall In love with it!

Cuz Zapp 2 wheel is good to push. and compact enough to put in our car, you can even check in ur stroller when you fly but must put in a bag.. just like baby zen yoyo..wait...maybe yoyo is smaller n square.

Even grandpa loves Quinny a lot! My dad recovered from stroke, so his momentum is bit out and his stamina is bad... So whenever he goes shopping with us, we will let him in charge of the stroller as in pushing it around to walk with. Old man doesn't like to use this saves his face right lot..

My dad pushes a lot of strollers (my brother's) he has experiences of pushing a Halford, Maclaren, SweetCherry and nonsense China brand, out of all these brands he still prefers Quinny. The smoothness and the braking system is good.

So new parents out there...get this if u have the regrets...

This stroller has style, smooth and compact....

One Canto Word to describe,


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Hippopo Baby Spa & Wellness Review

Being a new mum, I tend to try everything new including Baby Spa..
Recently, there's a new Hippopo Baby Spa opened at Melaka, The Shore.
And so I made a phone call to make an appointment. To my amaze, they only accept baby who are 4kg and above for their "swimming session" even though they claimed that they accept newborns.. or maybe they only do massage for newborns...
Babies who are going to swim will need to be injection free for 3 days, no flu& cough, fever and need to be fed before an hour. Reasonable and very good pre-cautios as parents these days clever to point fingers at people whenever something goes wrong. Especially for the old people, they will go like "aiya, i tell u liao so small don't bring to cold, wait get flu how?!"
Let me assure u, the pool are warm..the water is warm to swim in  and definitely not cold if u plan to go and your folks are against it, tell them weeping say is warm scare no scare, wouldnt get flu.
The reason I brought my girl to this swimming thing is cuz I believe exposing them to water dipping as young as months will definetly make things easy when we bring them to a bigger pool during their toddlers age.
and this spa really make Sam swims a lot, which proves that their 3 points, "longer sleep", "reduce crying and emotional stress", improve baby's growth and health" well.
1st point, "improve baby's growth and health"
yes, she really kicks a lot in the water and much exercises was done. also it appears that, she can stand faster than other babies. at 5 months she is already standing by herself.
2nd point, "longer sleep"

hell yea, after that much of exercises, she slept throughout the night or noon.
3rd, "reduce crying and emotional stress"
Of course! she was really damn happy when she was in the pool. Smilling, kicking and doing all the balls thing around her. Looking at her, I think she is having a hell of a good time. Of course, she didn't cry for half n hour straight...till she is at the changing area, she's hungry.
No doubts, Hippopo Baby really gives Sam a good time. their pools look very prof and the environment looks great.

( This is the bigger pool that above 6 months old will swim, this pool's water will only change at the end of the day)

 (While this is the smaller ones, Individual pool. This pool changes water every time when a baby goes in.)
Did I mentioned that the water they used are all filtered water? like those diamond water type one, I strongly suggest that babies should go for the individual pool if you guys are a hygiene freak like me or go to the big pool when they first fill (first appointment maybe?) so that u wouldn't be sharing the water with the rest.
These pools have all the bubbly function and wave function will then create waves in the water like jaccuzi. The staffs will then encourage the babies to kick to stay with the flows or put toys to persuade or making them relax in the water.
(A picture of Sam enjoying the session)
Following is the price of the sessions.... they will every now and then have promotion for sign ups..therefore stay tune to their fb for more updates...